About Me


It all started when…

I was 9, dressing up as mustache’d directors for my YouTube channel. When I love something, I do it with excellence, and from 15-19 I grew my online following using comedy writing and performance on to 300,000+ views and 4,000+ subscribers. At 19, I self-published my 365 page non-fiction book ‘How I Became a Teen Actor’ (a girl LOVES to write) and was shortlisted for WarnerMedia’s Digital Creator’s Program in 2022. I am now the creator of my a non-fiction comedy podcast Sexpertise, which brings young adults real insights on love, dating and intimacy from an intersectional lens. My dream is to bring inclusive representation to television comedy.

My mission is to heal black women by creating a body of work both fictional and factual, where young black women can be educated of their sexual rights and while finding sexual autonomy in a three-dimensional portrayal of black women.

My dream is to use my study of the social impact of misogynoir on sexology, through the lens of black women, and represent it positively through emerging media like streaming and social media. I chose NYU’s Tisch’s Interdisciplinary Major Collaborative Arts to concentrate on Black Representation, Sexuality Studies, and Screenwriting. At NYU Tisch’s competitive writing programs in London, I crafted several full-length scripts and plays that center on the love lives of Black women. During this time, I traveled the world, visiting Berlin, Paris, Rome, Istanbul and more, learning that diversity is something that comes from the ground up. I produced, co-wrote and created a short film and interview called “The Black School Girl Project.” It won NYU's 2021 Tisch Student Research Fund and the exclusive 2022 Hear Us Award. The project’s first film, "Trials of Tituba" tells the story of a young girl facing discrimination at a private high school. This project is an example of my creativity, tenacity, initiative and desire to create work that voices underrepresented people.

During my career, I will write and film YouTube essays that provide free education on sexual health. Alongside factual education, I will complete my fictional television series about a young Black sexologist. Through realistic dialogue, grounded sex scenes, and complex protagonists, young Black women will heal from witnessing healthy sexual relationships for Black women, and cultivate their own sexuality with consent and agency.

With over three years of experience in script development internships, I am able to bring concise, insightful, and timely script coverage, mostly recently working for for HBO TV Drama department and interning with GLAAD, where I received excellent reviews. 

If I’m not binge watching rom-coms or furiously manifesting my next conquest, I’m practicing Korean, or cutting it up on the dance floor.